NEWBOLD WOMEN’S GROUP Ruth welcomed 25 members to theAGM. Normally this falls in March but as Ruth will be absent then, it was decided by the committee to hold it a month early. Ruth opened the meeting with prayers, especially remembering all who are ill at this time. The minutes of the […]
Newbold Women’s Group
Newbold Women’s Group January 2013
NEWBOLD WOMEN’S GROUP Despite a very cold evening 16 members attended the January meeting to hear Fr. Keith conclude “his visit to Israel” talk. This gave us all an insight in the great poverty and difficult circumstances which many endure. Members were told at tha AGM would be on February 6th, and NOT […]
Newbold Women’s Group December 2012
NEWBOLD WOMEN’S GROUP Seventeen members of the group had a splendid evening at the “Hackney Tea Rooms” in Barlow, on 7th November. We met there at7pmand enjoyed an excellent three course meal. The place was opened exclusively for us and we were able to shop for Christmas gifts, as there are three floors […]
Newbold Women’s Group October 2012
NEWBOLD WOMENS GROUP. Our speaker at the September meeting was Mr. Sean Power , the Manager of Pathways, the Centre for homeless people on Stand Road. He gave us a fascinating insight into the history of homelessness and how it was dealt with in years gone by.Those who have been round the Workhouse at […]
Newbold Women’s Group September 2012
Our visit to Bakewell Museum was excellent and most informative. Twenty three members attended and were warmly welcomed by the volunteer staff. We had tea and cakes with strawberries and scones while the staff explained how they run visits. We then divided into two groups, one going upstairs to view the costumes while the other […]