We are really pleased to hear you are interested in arranging a Christening.
Please either, come to one of our services on a Sunday at 10am (traditional Holy Communion) or the Messy Church service at 4pm of the first Sunday of the month and introduce yourself to Rev Rhoda or one of the door stewards after the service and they will be happy to help you.
Alternatively, contact the Church Office on 07787980961 or email office@newboldparishchurch.org.uk
More information here:
How do I find out about Christening / baptism?
The Church of England has an excellent website all about Christenings:
Also, the following information should help you decide if Christening is the right thing for you and your child…
What is Christening?
Just as every child begins learning his or her ‘ABC’, so there is, if you like, an ‘ABC’ for Christening…
- Accepting – that God has a purpose for you and your child
- Believing – that God loves you and your child and wants the best for you
- Committing – your life, and the life of your child, to Jesus Christ
The Christening & baptism of a child is as much a sign of his or her parents’ own faith as anything else. That is why the very first question you are asked in the service requires that you are willing to give the child help and encouragement by your prayers, your example, and by your teaching.
During the service you will be asked some other questions about your relationship with God…
- Do you turn to Christ?
- Do you repent of your sins?
- Do you renounce evil?
And about your faith in him…
- Do you believe and trust in God the Father, who made the world?
- Do you believe and trust in his Son Jesus Christ, who redeemed mankind?
- Do you believe and trust in his Holy Spirit, who gives life to the people of God?
So here’s another ‘ABC’…..
- Accepting – Jesus as God’s Son who died and rose again for us all
- Believing – in God as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- Committing – yourself to living out this faith for yourself and for your child
What about church?
‘Church’ is a building and an organisation, but most of all it is a ‘family’
So, here’s a third ‘ABC’…
- Accepting – that you are becoming members of the church ‘family’
- Believing – that you have an active part to play in this ‘family’
- Committing – yourself to pray and worship regularly with this ‘family’
What about me?
It could well be that you thought baptism was little more than a ceremony with a baby and water in church. Now that you have read this far, I hope you have discovered that there is much more to it than that!
God has given us baptism as a sign that we, along with our children,…
- Want to grow in faith…
- Want to belong to him and his church…
- Want God to change our lives…
Do I need to come to church every week to have my child Christened?
The short answer is – No. You do not need to go to church every week to have your child Christened. However, Christening & baptism is about becoming part of the church family, so it is a good idea to get to know the church family and explore faith with other people.
The best way to do that is to talk to us here as Newbold Parish Church, and to come along a few times to see what we do. If you like traditional church then you might want to come to our 10am service, however, if church seems a bit scary, or weird, to you, then you might want to come to our 4pm service, on the first Sunday of the month, which explores faith in a more informal way, including multimedia, fun songs, and crafts.
Do I need to be married to have my child Christened?
Again, the short answer is – No. You do not need to be married to have your child Christened. However, the church believes that marriage is a good thing. So, if you would like to talk to the Vicar about what is involved in organising a wedding at Newbold Parish Church, they would be happy to help.
When do Christenings take place?
Christenings usually take place on Sundays, after the morning service, at around 11.30am. However, if you enjoy our 4pm service, we also have Christenings as part of that service.
When will the Christening happen?
Christenings are arranged once the church is happy that you can make the promises in the service, and have some understanding of what it is all about.