Sunday Mass at 10am (traditional)
Tuesday Morning Prayer at 9.50am via video link
Mid-week said Communion on a Wednesday at 10am, in the parish room at the back of church followed by coffee.
Messy Church 4pm on First Sunday of the month
Other Activities include
- Coffee Mornings on the first Saturday of the month 10am -12pm in the Parish Room
- Monthly Women’s Group on the first Wednesday of the month 7pm Parish Room
- Wednesday Social Club a weekly social group meeting from 1-3pm in the Parish Room
- Monthly Men’s Group on the third Saturday of the month in the Parish Room 10.30-12.30
- Quiz Nights see notices for details
- Walking Group First Sunday on the month. Contact office for information.
- Monthly Churchyard Birdwatch – usually first Saturday in the month but times and days may vary according to the time of year and weather conditions. Contact the church office for details
- Churchyard Tidy up a monthly gathering on the second Saturday of the month, 10am-12pm, to do garden jobs in the churchyard to maintain the grounds in good order for people to enjoy and remember loved ones. Church and community welcome. Bring your own tools. Refreshments available.
For any further details do contact our Church Office at office@newboldparishchurch.org.uk or call 07787980961