Mother’s Union Group at Newbold 1914 – 2018 I have to thank Ena Johnson for sourcing the following article which was displayed in church as part of the exhibition ‘Newbold in World War 1’ held in 2014. ‘The Mothers Union was founded by Mary Sumner in 1876 in the Church of England parish of […]
Mother's Union
Mother’s Union Service of Closure
Service of closure This took place on Wednesday April 11th in St. John’s Church at 2pm. The Rector, Ben Griffiths, was the Celebrant and Mrs. Wendy Fitch, the Derby Diocesan Mothers Union President, gave the address. During the service, the Newbold banner was paraded down the church aisle, received by Fr. Ben and placed on […]
Mother’s Union September 2017
The A.G.M takes place on Wednesday 11th October, commencing with Mass at 2pm in the Lady Chapel. Fr. Ben will officiate and hopefully be able to attend our meetings for a while. At the meeting we will be discussing the “way forward” for our group so input from our members will be most welcome. Please […]
Mother’s Union July 2017
The afternoon of July 12th was lovely and sunny so that seven members and one guest could enjoy strawberries and scones in Bob and Ruth’s garden. Lots of conversation took place and it was lovely that almost the full MU group were present. The raffle was won by Margaret Hobson. Members were reminded that our AGM […]
Mother’s Union June 2017
One member of Newbold M.U. was able to attend the Archdeaconry Festival at St. Helen’s Church, Darley Dale. Our banner was proudly paraded into church and on show during the service. About 50 members attended and tea and coffee and wonderful home-made cakes were consumed afterwards. It was a most pleasant evening and St. Helen’s […]