A robin greeted us as we strode towards the broad path leading to the Stockley trail on a tranquil summer’s evening. Sunlight was filtering through the trees and as we moved into a field, we disturbed a pheasant that rose from the long grass with an angry squawk. We walked past “Breaking the Mould”, an […]
Walking Group
Walking Group June 2024
For our June late afternoon / evening walk the weather was kind to us, the sun was shining and the temperature ideal for our walk. The five of us met outside church and decided on a circular walk from Ashover Church. Earlier in the week Bob and Evelyn had walked the route in rain with […]
Walking Group May 2024
Since it was completed in 1984, the Five Pits Trail has become well known as a place to go for a short walk in our delightful county, so we left the Timber Lane car park at 4.30pm to begin our first summer evening walk of the year – and the weather was glorious. Our leader, […]
Walking Group April 2024
The Walking Group was unable to meet in April, but the May walk will take place on Sunday 5th May, when we will meet outside the church gates at our Summertime of 4pm. Anyone wishing to join us will be made very welcome.
Walking Group March 2024
As there were only four of us, we piled into Steve’s new car and were interested to hear about all the features shown on the dashboard and how it performs on the road. After a smooth journey, we arrived at Chatsworth House car park, where it is free to park until the middle of March. […]